Responsible governance
Underpinning its work, the Enel Group has a solid system of ethics. This system is a dynamic collection of rules constantly oriented toward introducing the best international practices, which all the people who work at Enel and for Enel must comply with and apply in their daily work.
Embedding a system of accountability
Enel's corporate governance rules constitute a fundamental framework to ensure efficient and successful management. Furthermore, it serves as a reliable control tool for the activities carried out by the company, aiming for value creation for all stakeholders.

Policy on Human Rights
Aligned to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Enel Group’s Policy on Human Rights sets out the commitments and responsibilities that apply to our employees globally, and promotes respect for the Policy by our contractors, suppliers and commercial partners.

Ethical Channel
In partnership with EthicsPoint, we offer a channel for internal and external stakeholders to report any actual or suspected violations by Enel personnel or those acting on its behalf, including behaviors and practices that could be the cause of financial or reputational damage for Enel.

Anti-Bribery Policy
We are fully committed to the prevention of bribery and to conducting business ethically and transparently. We have implemented and maintain an Anti-Bribery Management System, which is underpinned by our Anti-Bribery Policy.
Our Global Compliance Program
Underpinning its work, Enel North America is guided by the Enel Group’s Code of Ethics and Global Compliance Program. This system is constantly oriented at introducing the best international practices, which all the people who work with or for Enel must apply in their work. If you want to learn more about our corporate governance system, visit our global website
Upholding dignity, respect and human rights
We believe that respecting human rights is the basis for sustainable progress. We strive to ensure that every individual involved in our supply chain is treated with dignity and respect, through proactive monitoring, engagement with stakeholders and transparent reporting.
To uphold human rights in our work, we have made clear public commitments that we seek to embed across our entire value chain and areas of operations. To mitigate potential impacts, we carry out robust due diligence and provide access to remedy.
Our commitment
We take a strategic approach to upholding human rights, working to embed them across our business operations.
Demonstrating our commitment publicly through our Human Rights Policy
Embedding our commitment across operating policies and procedures, training and governance
Due diligence
We identify salient issues – the most relevant topics – for our business operations and supply chain to focus our efforts.
Gap identification and definition of potential improvement plans
Engagement with stakeholders, including customers, employees, procurement and business partners, and communities
Access to remedy
We provide opportunities for people and communities who have been impacted by our work to receive adequate remedy.
Providing easily accessible information on grievance channels
Redressing impacts identified in legacy projects
Creating a robust and sustainable supply chain
As a leader in the clean energy economy, our value chain is unique. We balance maintaining a reliable supply chain while serving our customers in a sector that is evolving quickly.
Our suppliers range from more traditional energy and construction vendors to land leases and demand response agreements and virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs).
Our Supplier Performance Management (SPM) encourages and monitors supplier collaboration and improvement. Specific indicators like Quality, Punctuality and Environment form the Supplier Performance Index (SPI), influencing tender participation and contract maintenance.