Energy Market Insights: August 2023
08 17, 2023
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Every month in our Energy Market Insights report, Enel’s analysts examine the biggest energy market stories across North America. Our report includes insights for New England, New York, the Midwest, the Mid-Atlantic, Texas, California, and Mexico, as well as information on renewable energy and natural gas.
In our August report, you’ll discover:
- How declines in both frac spreads and rig counts are indicating a decline in gas-related activities – and could lead to lower production within the next 12 months, along with potentially higher prices.
- That given the current low prices for RECs, securing additional RECs before entering Q4 is a risk-mitigating strategy that can help your organization maintain alignment with sustainability goals at a reduced expense.
- How the Inflation Reduction act has created a new tax credit marketplace allowing organizations to partner with developers to purchase credits at a discount and support new renewable construction.
Download the report to find out about these stories and more!